An update from The Exodus Road

In a recent raid in India, our team worked 24 hours straight to secure the freedom of 7 women and the arrest of 15 traffickers!

An informant in a small town in India told police what he knew: women were being held in hotels across the city, unable to move freely, and being forced to offer sexual services.

The police turned to The Exodus Road’s team in India, asking them to verify the tip. Our team visited, posing as customers at 3 separate locations. Instead of exploiting the women, they talked to them. The women had the courage to reveal the truth — they weren’t free to leave. They could not say no. They were being sexually abused and exploited.

The police and The Exodus Road made a plan to raid the locations. Our team left their homes at 5 am to travel to the city.

But at the last minute, the informant turned hostile. He tipped off 2 of the brothel owners. Police were only able to free 2 women and arrest 5 traffickers from one location before the women at the other locations were moved and the traffickers scattered.

But our team wouldn’t give up on these women. They convinced police to pretend as if they were going to let the 5 captured traffickers go. Then they staked out the brothels. At night, once the traffickers thought police had left, they brazenly reopened their businesses — unwilling to lose even one night’s income. It was the opportunity law enforcement needed.

With the help of The Exodus Road, 5 more women were freed and 10 additional traffickers were arrested. Our team and social worker stayed until 5 am, helping care for the survivors before they made the 4-hour drive home. In all, the operation took more than 24 hours. Because of the tip-off, it was a hugely stressful operation. This took its toll on our team.

Thank you for standing by these brave men and women in India who are dedicated to freedom for the exploited, even when it costs them dearly. They are only able to continue doing this challenging, vital work because of you.

Consider becoming a partner with Operation Love Global, a non profit in Ramona, CA championing to end human trafficking. Funds donated will help meet immediate needs such as food and sponsoring children’s education for the at-risk in slum communities, missionary support & so much more. To donate, click the button that says make it a monthly donation using this link

Image is representation only

Do you suspect someone is being trafficked? Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 (BeFree)