Andrea Aasen co-leads Extreme Love Ministries, an international organization dedicated to ending human trafficking. She is an apostolic leader who believes in the power of LOVE to transform cities, nations, and individuals. Andrea’s heart for the lost and exploited have led her into some of the darkest places of the world, serving in nations, such as: Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Iraq. Over the years, Andrea has developed a variety of community, business, and advocacy models to support and protect victims of human trafficking, abuse, and other forms of exploitation. She is an advocate for issues of injustice and is passionate about connecting persons to their part in ending human slavery and in providing real change models with lasting impact.

Andrea is an ordained minister of the gospel and lives her life according to the Matthew 28:19 mandate, making disciples of the nations. She believes in the generations running together for Kingdom expansion and is passionate about mentoring and raising up godly leaders, especially women and next-generation advocates. Andrea and her family currently live in Cambodia, her home for the last 10 years, where she continues to believe for God’s transformational power to be seen and known in every nation.

Do you suspect someone is being trafficked? Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP to 233733 (BeFree)